DX Listener Reports for KLIZ, Brainerd, MN, USA |
February 11, 2021, at 10.00 PM CST: I heard "1380
KLIZ AM Brainerd-Baxter." The signal was audible on
and off for about 12 minutes. I heard KLIZ mostly with
national Fox Sports Radio apart from the top of the hour
station identification. I heard the station on the south
west coast of Norway (58.12N, 6.39E) with a RF Space
receiver (IQ) and a 1500 feet beverage antenna directional
towards the west coast of America. The antenna helped to
enhance KLIZ' signal relative to signals from stations
further east in the US and Canada, with CKPC as the only
other North American signal. However, there were
surprisingly heavy intererference from a European station on
1386 kHz which forced me to listen with LSB with narrow
A few words about me: I am 55 years old and live in
Oslo, Norway. Oslo is a nice city with about 600 000
people. I live with my wife, while our 23 year old daughter
studies in Trondheim, another Norwegian city. I work with
vocational education and training. In my leisure time, I
like music, sports and try to find some time for my radio
hobby. I discovered AM radio as a teenager in the early
1980s and still enjoy listening to medium wave AM radio.
I know many Norwegians settled in Minnesota after leaving Norway in the late 19th and early 20th century. Hope to visit USA and see Minnesota one day!
Kind regards
Torgeir Nyen
![]() Report: I received the station on the 13th of October 2020 at 9:59 PM Central Daylight Saving Time (2:59 AM GMT). Block of spots/PSA's at 10:00 PM, the station ID, "SportTalk Radio for the Brainerd Lakes, 13-80 KLIZ, Brainerd-Baxter - The Fan," then sports talk. There was some interference from a Canadian station (CKPC in Brantford Ontario), and from some European stations on the adjacent channels, slightly fading and troubled with atmospheric noise, but readable. I use a 600 feet northwest-bound long wire outdoors antenna (hanging on trees), which explains why it was possible to tune into your signal. Although I know that Your programs are not primarily aimed at the international public, I hope you might find it interesting to know that KLIZ-AM's signal can be heard thousands of kilometers away - even without the Internet! I wish You and Your station the best of success. Best Regards, Ruovesi, Finland |
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My name is Per Eriksson and I have, according to my friends,
a strange hobby. I enjoy listening to short and medium wave
radio stations from all over the world. That said, I am very
pleased to inform you that I enjoyed listening to The Fan,
KLIZ on Sunday, November 6, 2016, at 0430 hours Universal
Coordinated Time. I am using a Microtelecom Perseus software
defined receiver. Must say I am proud of catching your signal
with my 900 metre longwire antenna. Yes, you need that length
for trans-atlantic signals! Have put it five metres up in the
trees so elks go free. Sincerely Yours, Per
Eriksson, Vellinge, Sweden. |
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Dear Mr. Persons: Greetings from Finland. I am 61 years old and live in the Helsinki suburb called Laajasalo, which actually is an island in Gulf of Finland. This is a quiet green place to live. I have a lot of time for my radio hobby. DX-ing, or trying to catch foreign radio stations, has been my main hobby since 1968, that is 46 years now. In that time I have heard and identified about 1200 stations from 205 countries. Read more at: http://www.dxing.info/dxpeditions/aihkiniemi_dx_cabin_for_rent.dx I heard KLIZ-AM on 15th of January, 2015, at 0000 CST K-L-I-Z 1380 AM Brainerd/Baxter, the Fan Fox Sports Radio. Lauri Niemi, Helsinki, Finland.
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In the middle of the night on October 30, 2014, at 1:03 AM CST I listened to KLIZ on AM 1380. This was the first time I have been able to hear KLIZ. I heard station-ID: �Sports Talk Radio Brainerd Lakes 13-80 KLIZ AM Brainerd Baxter The Fan." It was really thrilling hearing your AM-signal on this long distance, almost 3850 miles.
of friends and I were staying a week in an old schoolhouse in
the northernmost part of Sweden to listen to distant radio-stations. Parkalompolo is a small village in the middle of nowhere with only 25 persons living here. The road ends here and the nearest shop is 30 km away, but it is a perfect place for listening to weak, distant radio-signals. The reception-conditions on AM from North America were pretty good this night, especially on the higher AM frequencies, but on the lower frequencies the noise was a little heavy. Receiver: Perseus SDR. Antenna: a long wire 780 meters (1/2 mile) long, pointing towards central North America.Best Regards, Alf Persson, Nodinge, Sweden |
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