Power Generators: The Rest of the Story by Mark Persons
World Article September
1, 2018
How the unit performs is where the rubber really hits the
Fellow writer Charles S. “Buc” Fitch penned a multi-part
series on backup power generators in the the Feb. 7,
April 18, June 13 and Aug. 8 issues of Radio World
Engineering Extra. (Read them at radioworld.com,
keyword “Fitch.”) Buc did a great job explaining the
theory behind generators. But let me tell you the
rest of the story; the important part is how well a
generator performs in the field.
POWER QUALITY A backup power generator’s job is to emulate
utility power as closely as possible. Fig. 1 shows an
oscilloscope looking at the almost sinusoidal voltage
waveform from my local power company. Measured harmonic
distortion was 2.0 percent. Anything up to 6 percent is
acceptable in my book. When I say harmonic distortion, I
mean unintended energy at two, three and four times the
60 Hz fundamental frequency plus noise. Pure 60 Hz would
have zero distortion.
Fig. 1: Utility power with 2 percent
harmonic distortion.
Waveform appearance will vary
depending on what loads are
present on the power line. Those
loads are inside a facility and
outside where other customers
are using power from the same
Some of those loads might be in
an industrial park causing the
waveform to be worse. In this
case, wave tops are rounded off
because current drawn is
greatest on the voltage peaks,
thus pulling the peak voltage
down. Fully loaded transformers
can overheat and fail, if the
waveform is not a clean sine
Fig. 2: The output of an
APC SmartUPS 3000 when
it is running on battery
Many uninterruptible power
supplies are rated to have an
output with 6 percent or less
harmonic distortion when they
are online (Fig. 2 illustrates
that). I measured just under 2
percent distortion on an APC
SmartUPS 3000, with a 1500 watt
load, which made it slightly
better than utility power
because the peaks were not
rounded off. Voltage peaks are a
bit jagged, but the overall
picture is a sine wave.
Fig. 3: A Kohler 22RY
generator supporting air
Fig. 3 shows a 22 kW Kohler
model 22RY backup power
generator loaded to about 60
percent, including a three-ton
air conditioning unit. The
manufacturer put tight
electronic controls on engine
speed and the voltage regulator.
Fig. 4 shows that with just 2.5
percent distortion, Kohler did
the smart thing by utilizing a
Ford four-cylinder four-cycle
industrial engine in this unit.
It has proven its reliability
over the past 14 years while
running on propane fuel.
Fig. 4: Harmonic
distortion 2.5 percent
on generator at 60 Hz.
propane or natural gas is the
fact that they last forever.
These fuels do not degrade with
time. My opinion is that
gasoline is the worst choice.
Even with fuel stabilizing
additives, gas goes bad and may
not still be good enough when
needed most.
A friend brought over a
Sportsman brand Gen 4000
gasoline-driven portable
generator. The waveform looked
good until it was loaded to 50
percent with an electric space
heater. Then the wave shape
changed. In Fig. 5, harmonic
distortion went past 10 percent
at that point. This unit is OK
for keeping many appliances
running, but required careful
selection to find a UPS unit
that would not stay on battery
with this kind of power.
In Fig. 5, harmonic distortion
went past 10 percent at that
point. This unit is OK for
keeping many appliances running,
but required careful selection
to find a UPS unit that would
not stay on battery with this
kind of power.
Fig. 5: A Sportsman Gen
4000 plant with a 50
percent load.
Fig. 6 shows the output of a
Winco 1999 vintage PSS8000, 8 kW
ground-mounted (3 feet x 2 feet
x 2.5 feet) generator plant. The
jagged waveform pegged the
needle on my distortion
analyzer, which can only measure
to 10 percent. The picture
changed little from no load to 4
kW when I tested it. Like many
generators with a cost-conscious
design, an air vane near the
engine flywheel is used to
regulate engine speed. The goal
is to have 60 Hz at the
generator output terminals.
Engine speed can vary with
temperature, humidity and load
conditions, thus affecting
frequency. Better plants use
electronic controls to regulate
engine RPM.
Fig. 6: A Winco PSS8000
generator ragged
I also tested a gasoline-powered
Honda EU2000i Generator, with
inverter technology, which came
in at about 1 percent harmonic
distortion with a 70 percent
load. Basically, it is a UPS
that is gas driven. Its inverter
is clean because it
electronically creates 60 Hz
with low waveform distortion.
The penalty is higher cost. Fig.
7 shows a typical 3 kW gasoline
driven plant at half load.
Measured harmonic distortion
came out to 6 percent, my
benchmark for good versus bad.
Fig. 7 A typical 3
KW generator.
Meanwhile, you’ll need an
uninterruptible power supply to
keep computers running for
seamless programming. Each UPS
has its own tolerance to line
fault conditions. It is more
than coming online when power
fails Let’s say
your backup generator is putting
out power at 58 Hz instead of 60
Hz. Many UPS units will switch
to and stay on battery even when
there is 120 VAC power. A
similar thing happens when the
waveform is something other than
a sine wave. For some
“less than great” backup
generator plants, one client had
to test five UPS units until one
was found that would accept
less-than-ideal power.
FULLY AUTOMATIC? Who is to say that you or
another technically qualified
person will be there to run a
backup power generator the
instant utility power fails? Not
likely. After all, a 40-hour
work week represents less than
24 percent of the total time in
seven days.
The hospital standard requires a
generator to automatically start
and come online in just 10
seconds. Yes, it can be done.
Some systems take longer.
Fig. 8 shows a Kohler 240
VAC/200 ampere automatic
transfer switch. It measures in
at 24 inches high x 18 inches
wide x 11 inches deep — likely
that would be all you need at a
Fig. 8: A Kohler 200
ampere automatic
transfer panel.
You can do facility load
calculations, but my
recommendation is to use a
clamp-on AC ammeter to measure
actual current draw on incoming
power cables in a building’s
electrical load center. (See
Fig. 9.) Do it with air
conditioning and all other loads
turned on. Plan on an automatic
power transfer switch to
interrupt and replace all power
to the facility.
SOME OR ALL? Most electricians, in my
experience, think in terms of
supporting the most important
part of a facility with a
generator plant. That leaves
many circuits with no power
during an outage. Human desire
to keep everything running will
result in extension cords
running down hallways and under
doors. This is a bad scenario,
if only from the standpoint of
creating a trip hazard.
You can do facility load
calculations, but my
recommendation is to use a
clamp-on AC ammeter to measure
actual current draw on incoming
power cables in a building’s
electrical load center. (See
Fig. 9.) Do it with air
conditioning and all other loads
turned on. Plan on an automatic
power transfer switch to
interrupt and replace all power
to the facility.
Fig. 9: A clamp-on
ammeter measuring actual
current draw.
AM transmitters require better
generator regulation, as they
draw about 50 percent power more
while being modulated. A
generator needs to be able to
keep up with that changing load.
Compare pricing on power
generators. You’ll find that the
up charge for doubling a
generator size is not twice the
price. You might pick one
that can handle everything
except the air conditioner. In
that case, a relay to sense a
power outage can be used to
interrupt the low voltage/low
current control line to the air
conditioner’s compressor.
Everything will continue
running, except the actual
cooling, which is easy enough to
LONGEVITY My hometown of 13,000
people (80,000 market size)
suffered a 24.5 hour power
outage after a tornado came
through in 2001. The entire city
was shut down. Supermarkets
threw out food by the ton.
One radio group of three
stations stayed on the air with
backup power while five other
stations did not. My records
show a 20 kW generator, loaded
to 70 percent, will use about
three gallons of propane per
TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Ask a generator
salesman for a list of local
users. Take an oscilloscope to
one or more of those locations
to see a generator in action
under load conditions. If the
waveform does not closely
resemble a sine wave, then try
another brand. At the very
least, use several UPS units as
a test instruments. If they
accept generator power, then
likely it is OK.
SUMMARY The power quality of
generators varies substantially.
Know what you are getting into
before spending money. It makes
perfect sense.
27, 2018: Hi
I read your Radio World article on Power Generators (“The
rest of the story”) with great interest. This subject would
be very relevant, as a presentation for our SBE chapter.
Thanks and congratulations on
receiving the
Engineer of the Year award.
Best regards, Art Lebermann, CPBE, W6REQ,
Chairman, SBE Chapter 40, San Francisco, California.
11, 2018: Mark, In the
Radio World daily email, we were
all reminded of your R/W
generator article. Looking
for something else, I had that
article up on screen and quickly
got engaged in reading that
piece once again. Arguably
one of your best efforts ... a
really good 'news you can use'
story. Best,
Charles "Buc" Fitch, Avon,
Mark Persons, ham W0MH, is an SBE
Certified Professional Broadcast
Engineer and is now retired
after more than 40 years in
business. His website iswww.mwpersons.com.